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web3.js is a Javascript library for building on EVM-compatible networks.

It allows developers to interact with smart contracts, send transactions, and retrieve data from the network.


This guide assumes you have the latest version of Node.js installed.


To install web3.js, run the following command:

npm install web3

Connecting to Flow​

To use web3.js in your project, start by imporing the module and initializing your Web3 provider the desired Flow RPC endpoint.

const { Web3 } = require('web3')
const web3 = new Web3('https://mainnet.nodes.fff')


To connect to Flow Testnet

Deploying Contracts​

An account is required to deloy contracts to the Flow network.

const account = web3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount(PRIVATE_KEY)


For more information about

Interacting With Smart Contracts​

web3.js allows developers to interact with smart contracts via the web3.eth.Contract API.

A Contract object must be instantiated as follows:

const abi = [
... // ABI of deployed contract
const contractAddress
const contract =

Methods on the smart contract can now be called in the following ways.

Querying state​

We can query data from the contract by using the call function on one of the contract's methods. This will not mutate the state and will not send a transaction.

const result = contract.methods.someGetterFunction().call()

Mutating state​

If you wish to mutate the contract's state, you may do so with the send function on one of the contract's methods. This will possibly mutate the state and will send a transaction.

const argument = 1
const result = await contract.methods.someSetterFunction(argument).call()

For more information about using smart contracts in web3.js, see the official documentation.